Ten signs that I’m getting old

I just pulled open the fridge to look for a snack, and the first thing I reached for was cottage cheese. After that moment of brief excitement you get when you know your teeth won’t be needed during snack time, I got struck by a thought I’ve been having quite a bit lately.

Shit…I’m getting old.

And here’s how I know:

  1. I love cardigans, because my arms get cold without one.
  2. I yell at the television.
  3. I like Newt Gingrich’s haircut.
  4. I have given up on ever having a torso like Ryan Gosling/Bradley Cooper/Daniel Craig/whoever-the-kids-like these days, because I don’t care enough to do anything about it.
  5. I don’t know who the kids like these days.
  6. I think Saturdays are a good night to get some reading done.
  7. I actually said “when I was your age” once.
  8. I’m not embarrassed when I fart in public.
  9. I get excited about slippers.
  10. I only go to the barber when the hair on the back of my neck is intolerably long.

And yes, it’s been a long time between posts (Regret Nothing was keeping me blissfully occupied), but you don’t care…

One response to “Ten signs that I’m getting old

  1. Heh, don’t invest in the rocking chair just yet, my friend đŸ˜‰

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